Supplement your freelance income. Supplementing your income as a freelancer offers the advantage of flexibility in your organization and, sometimes, depending on the tasks requested, freedom of execution. The freelancer works alone on behalf of clients without any subordination link between them.
The freelance contract provides for the organization in the execution of one or more tasks with a determined objective. This objective is not necessarily linked to the accomplishment of a project in its entirety but can fill a need in skills specifically at a precise moment of the realization of a project. For example, it can be the realization of a specific complex code in the development of a web application, the realization of a particular decoration in a construction or specific assistance.

What are the differences between a freelance contract and an employment contract?
What are the differences between a freelance contract and an employment contract?
The freelance contract is based on the execution of tasks in one or more fields of competence with an objective, whereas the employment contract fulfills the functions of a job description in an organization without the employee responding to a specific objective, it responds on the other hand to a mission that he fulfills.
The employment contract is subject to the rules of labor law. Private law regulates freelance contracts.
The freelance contract generally contains the identity of the parties, the purpose of the contract, its duration, the terms of payment, guarantees of payment or a termination clause. This list is not exhaustive and many websites offer contract templates such as Rocketlawyer (insert link) or Captain contrat (insert link). Some contracts include a non-competition clause. The parties should be careful to agree on such a clause.
What are the obligations of a freelance contract to Supplement your freelance income.
The signatory of a freelance contract must ensure that he is registered as such and that he is up to date with his legal declarations, particularly social declarations, and that he has the necessary insurance. If the freelancer is a subcontractor, he will need the agreement of his subcontractor. It is the mission contract that frames the objectives in which the tasks must be delivered and it is in this same contract that it may be advisable to foresee how to leave a collaboration before the end. The statutes of the freelance are multiple, it must nevertheless invoice independently of its physical person.