Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions of use

Acceptance of cookies and registration to the site, and more generally its use, implies acceptance of the terms of use and privacy policy.

General Terms of Use


« Skillsdeal » is a trademark of SAS Akirimo, any designation « Akirimo » below includes Skillsdeal.

These General Conditions of Use constitute a contract governing the relations between the Member or the Partner and Skillsdeal. They cancel and replace all the previous provisions not expressly referred to or annexed and constitute the entirety of the rights and obligations of Skillsdeal, the Member or the Partner relating to their object.

The access to the Akirimo service is subordinated to the respect of the present General Conditions of Use. Any Internet user wishing to access it must have previously read the Conditions, by validating them, he commits himself to respect them without reserve.

Only content written and published directly by AKIRIMO is under its responsibility.

These general conditions of use are valid on all media (website, social networks and promotional materials) that Akirimo will see fit to exploit.

Once you have completed your online registration on Akirimo / Skillsdeal, and you have accepted the general conditions of use, you will have concluded a contract binding you as a user with the company Akirimo, for the provision of the main services outlined below:

– A space for exchanges between people in order to offer skills or to search and get in touch with a member with skills.
– Access to a database of people with skills
– The use of tools to accelerate meetings between members or others
– Access to a database of professionals.

All the services offered on www.skillsdeal.com are summarized in the present general conditions under the name « services », they are intended for registered members, here called « members » and partners, here called « partners ». The general conditions of use are deemed to be accepted by the « members » and the « partners » for the entire duration of their subscription. The general conditions of use are accessible and consultable at all times on the entire site.


  • « Member »: Individual or professional using the services put at disposal by Skillsdeal.
  • Group »: Group of individuals (members) meeting around a project.
  • Partner »: Professional using the services provided by Akirimo.

Skillsdeal does not guarantee in any case the members, groups and partners present on its website. It is up to each one to check the seriousness of the interlocutors with whom he gets in contact.

Skillsdeal provides a set of means but has no obligation of result, Akirimo can’t be held responsible for the failure of a connection, a group or a project.

Article 1 : Identification of the host on the website

The Skillsdeal.com website is hosted at the request of SAS Akirimo having its head office at 12 Le Chaux in Cordemais (44360) at PlanetHoster.

Article 2 : Access and registration to the Services

2.1. Conditions of access and registration

The terminal and the means of connection allowing the access to the Services are at the exclusive charge of the Users, as well as the telecommunication costs induced by their use.

Skillsdeal communicates to its Members and Partners identifiers allowing them to connect to their personal and private account on the website. These identifiers are strictly personal and confidential and shall not be communicated or shared with third parties.

Except in case of proven fault of Skillsdeal, the Member or the Partner will be responsible for the use of his identifiers by third parties or for the actions or declarations made through his personal account.

Article 3 : use of the website and responsibility of the user

By using or registering on Skillsdeal, you commit yourself to :

– Respect the present Terms of Use – note that Skillsdeal is not a dating website with matrimonial purpose – remain polite and respectful of the other users/members

– Be responsible for the content of the messages sent to the other Members

– Not to diffuse contents (text or image) illicit, defamatory, injurious, discriminatory, obscene, denigrating, contravening the public order, violent, racist or homophobic

– To respect the privacy of other users and not to infringe the rights of third parties

– Be responsible for the accuracy of the information recorded in your profile not to propose links towards a competing site, illegal or contrary to the good morals

– Not to harm the site or its other users

– To respect the intellectual property rights applying to the contents present on Skillsdeal

– In accordance with the law n° 2004-575 of June 21st, 2004, the users are invited to announce any element of contents presenting an illicit character

In case of non respect of the conditions of use, Skillsdeal reserves the right to delete definitively the account of the concerned member without notice nor formal notice. Skillsdeal also reserves the right to delete any user content not in accordance with the GTC.

Article 4: Messaging

The internal messaging or « Mailbox » allows members to exchange messages in order to establish contacts. The members can then decide to send each other their respective email addresses to get to know each other better and exchange their postal addresses. The decision to exchange their respective postal addresses is theirs and is not part of the services provided by Skillsdeal.

No personal information (name, postal address, phone number…) will have to be transmitted via the internal messaging system of the website.

The private messages are not moderated but the administrators have a right to see the messages exchanged between the members. They will be able if necessary, to consult then to remove any message contravening the present conditions of use.

Article 4.1 : meetings and groups

Skillsdeal proposes group meetings. The organization of these meetings is realized under the responsibility of the Members. In no case SAS Akirimo or Skillsdeal can be held responsible for what happens during these meetings having for main object to gather skills. In a general way, every member commits himself to have, on the website and out of the website during meetings with other members, exemplary behaviors of respect, regularity and righteousness towards the other members, non members and more generally towards the applicable regulations in force.

Article 5: Privacy and data protection

Akirimo has been declared to the French authority for the protection of personal data (the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés – CNIL) under the numbers 1693803; 1704518; 1704550 and 1704672.

The rights and guarantees of the Users of the Website respect in particular the law ‘informatique et libertés’ nº; 78-17 of January 6, 1978 modified by the law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004 integrating into French law the Directive 95/46/CE of October 24, 1995 on the protection of personal data and privacy within the European Union and the law on ‘confidence in the digital economy’ nº; 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 (article L. 33-4-1 amended of the French Post and Telecommunications Code and article L. 121-20-5 new of the French Consumer Code) incorporating into French law Directive 2000/31/EC of June 8, 2000 on electronic commerce and Directive 2002/58/EC of July 12, 2002 on the protection of personal data and privacy in electronic communications.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38, 39 and 40 of the Law n°78-17 relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 modified by the Law n°2004-81 of August 6, 2004, the User has, at any time, the faculty to :

  1. Oppose the processing of his/her personal data within the framework of the Services provided by the Company (Article 38 of the French Data Protection Act);
  2. Oppose the communication of personal data concerning him to third parties;
  3. 3. to access all personal data processed within the framework of the Services provided by the Company (article 39 of the French Data Protection Act)
  4. Rectify, update and delete his/her personal data processed within the framework of the Services provided by the Company (article 40 of the French Data Protection Act);

In order to exercise these rights, the User should send a simple letter, taking care to prove his/her identity (mention his/her surname, first names, e-mail address and attach a copy of his/her identity card) – in accordance with the first paragraph of articles 39 and 40 of Law n°78-17 relating to information technology, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978, modified by Law n°2004-81 of August 6, 2004 – to AKIRIMO 12 Le Chaux 44360 Cordemais.

Certain information, indications or content (photographs) that Members or Partners may provide are likely, under the responsibility of the Member or Partner concerned, to reveal a user’s ethnic origin, nationality and/or religion. By providing such information, the Member or Partner concerned expresses his wish and, consequently, his explicit consent to the processing of this so-called « sensitive » data by Akirimo and freely takes exclusive responsibility for it.

Article 6: Processing of personal data

The provision of the Services and the contractually agreed services by Akirimo requires the collection, processing and use of personal data that the Member or the Partner communicates during the registration process. Personal data is information that allows a natural person to be identified or recognized, directly or indirectly. The collection, processing and use of personal data by SAS AKIRIMO or through the intermediary of a company commissioned by it, are only carried out if the Member or Partner accepts these General Conditions of Use and thus gives his express consent to the use of his data.

The Member or Partner declares that he/she gives his/her consent to receive Newsletters. The Member or the Partner can ask at any time not to receive them anymore. The Member or the Partner declares to give his consent for Skillsdeal to make accessible on the pages of the Website certain data of his profile, and in particular his photos. The Member or the Partner can at any time oppose to it by deleting himself these data or by making the request by email to contact@skillsdeal.com.

The Member or Partner accepts that the personal data in his or her profile may be transmitted to external service providers responsible for sending emails and newsletters in the name and on behalf of SAS Akirimo.

Insofar as the Member or Partner has given his consent to the collection of data, their processing and use, this data will be used by SAS Akirimo exclusively for the approved purposes.

Article 8: Changes to the General Conditions of Use

Akirimo can modify at any time the present General Conditions of Use.

Article 9 : Applicable law

These Terms of Use are governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with French law, the language of interpretation being the French language in case of dispute on the meaning of a term or a provision of these Terms of Use.

Article 10: Election of domicile

Akirimo SAS is a company registered in the RCS of Nantes (France) under the number 793219080 and its headquarters in Cordemais (44360), 12 Le Chaux.